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Showing posts from September 1, 2019

Eating the Elephant- One Bite at a Time

We’ve all been there- drowning in stress and feeling like our life isn’t even close to being in order. Sometimes we feel as though we’ve lost sight of ourselves or allowed our train to derail. We reach moments in life where we let ourselves go. At times, it is really difficult to keep pursuing our goals and pushing forward. Life hits us in the face and we stop focusing on our health and well-being. And typically, when it rains it pours. It is easy to fall into a routine of “bad” habits. Before we know it, we feel like we have fallen behind and don’t know how to catch back up. It is important to know though- you most definitely are not alone.  Personally, I have struggled with mental health for quite some time. I am genetically inclined to having depression and anxiety, and circumstances have done nothing but cause a decline in my mental well-being. I am going through a time now in which I am incredibly unhappy with several aspects of my life. I haven’t been taking care of myself very w

Learn to Live for Yourself

One of the most difficult lessons I have had to learn is that I will never be 100% happy if I live according to other’s dreams and desires. I have spent a majority of my life working towards a goal that was not mine and helping others piece together their own lives and happiness. I have found it difficult to identify what it is that I want and have hardly spent any time developing my own goals and dreams. These past couple months have been full of self-reflection and growth for me, and I have discovered that you have to start living for yourself. You have to stop living your life for other people. You cannot build your life around the desires of others and expect to flourish. Develop a sense of self and dive into your own goals and dreams. What would you set out to do if no one else’s opinion or thoughts mattered? Where would you be if you started doing everything you had ever wanted to do regardless of those around you? What’s holding you back from being everything you want to be?

Stop Putting it Off

I've discovered that we all tend to put things off with the hopes that we will have more time or motivation to do them later. Similarly, we do not partake in all of the fun activities and adventures we would like to because we fear we don't have enough money or time to deviate from our work and responsibilities. We push things to the future, both exciting and mundane, expecting that there will come a day in which we eventually fulfill these tasks and dreams. The truth is- and it's a cliche one- we might not get to see tomorrow, next week, or next month. Those things that you keep pushing to tomorrow, next week, or some other time in the future, may keep getting pushed until you don't have any days left. Now, I could be referring to chores and work, and things people typically aren't too excited about. Maybe you've heard the rule that if it takes less than five minutes and can be done now, just go ahead and do it. We should all stop procrastinating, blah blah b